Thursday, October 16, 2008

Smoking Ban

A great stunt was shown by our honorable Health Minister Mr Anbumani Ramadoss by banning smoking at so called public places on 02nd October 2008. The note further stated that the ban is effective from 02nd October 2008 and the offenders will be fined between Rs 200 to Rs 600. All the news channels were airing the Ban related articled the whole day. They created a view like INDIA will be a smoking free country from day one. In my point of view if our health is really interested in making INDIA a smoke free country then he must have taken some solid stand in banning the production of Cigarettes in India. Yes I agree that leads to lot many unemployment. Why don’t you have a rule stating only for exports we produce ciggarates and not for use in INDIA?

These guys will never take such aggressive decisions as it will directly affect the revenue of the country as well as some big shots. I remember they imposed such a ban some time before on the PAN products and the sales are still happening without any issue. Government should be firm and should put their foot down to impose such rules. It must be hard and strict in imposing such bans. Looks like that will never happen, then what is the purpose in bringing up such rules and having it only in papers.

I had these things in my mind for quite a long time and the information that I read today forced me to write this blog. Looks like the health ministry of Tamilnadu announced that a total of Rs 1.20,000 has been collected as penalty from the people who violated the smoking ban. In a state which has got population of around 7 crore people and after 14 days of ban they have collected only Rs 1,20,000. Which means they have penalized only (1,20,000 / 14) 600 smokers who had violated the rule. Ie.. around 42 persons a day. This is really funny. Do you think it is realistic? Does it mean in the whole Tamilnadu only 42 persons a day are violating the rule. If you are a smoker you can easily figure it out…

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Recently came across a news in the daily stating that the Tamil film industry is planning to shut down its operations for a day in order to extend their support to the Tamils at Srilanka. It is nice to hear that people in Tamilnadu, India care for our brotherhood living there in Srilanka and suffering for their survival. But I cannot understand the fact that what happens if these people shut down their operations for a day or so, Will it really help the suffering people? The answer is NO.

Whenever there are some issues people (political parties in specific) tend to call for harthal and Bandh and make sure the people suffer a lot because of the same. Will this definitely help the needy? Or by shutting down a day or so will the Srilankan government stop all the atrocious activities against Tamilians who live in Srilanka? What are they going to gain out of these Harthals???? Nothing…

Instead of calling for such unwanted Harthal’s why not they thinks something proactive and do something which will be really needed. Have read somewhere sometime before that in Japan if they would like to call for a Harthal or so they will never shut down the operations instead they will make sure that the production is on which will be of no use unless they put some more effort. For Example it is a Shoe Manufacturing company going for a strike, on the day of strike they will produce only right leg shoes and not the left ones. By this they express their grief as well as make sure that the production is not stand still. On the next day to strike they continue to work on the left shoes and by the end of next day the company will be in a comfortable position to ship the goods as per their plan.

Why we Indians are reluctant in doing this? By shutting down all the theaters one day we are no way helping the Tamilians at Srilanka instead we are putting our people in trouble. Think about the revenue loss in one days collection and all the directed and indirect earnings out of the same. Starting from the guy who takes token for your vehicles to the canteen guy who sells snacks to you will be loosing their one day wage. Instead they can contribute a part of their collections to the victims or even call for a high level discussion and make sure that the issues are sorted out at appropriate levels…

Wish to see such changes in INDIA soon which will for sure take us to the super power dream by 2020

Monday, June 2, 2008

Atrocious Aircel

The day started off with a shock for me, I just tried to reach my mother on her mobile and amazed to hear a caller tune but she din pick the phone for quite some time. I just thought she would have placed her mobile some where and hence she is not able to pick the phone when I called her. Later I went down to meet her and asked for her mobile. To my surprise I cannot find any missed call details in her mobile. I just check all the other options like Call barring, Call Divert & Phone line and everything is proper.

If I dial from my mothers number I am able to speak to other people but even if I try to reach her from my land line I got the same Caller tune and still my mothers mobile din get any details pertaining to the call. After all basic investigations I rang up the Customer Care and to my surprise they said everything is proper and kept me on hold for around 15 – 20 mins and disconnected the line. Later after a couple of minutes they rang my mom and this time her mobile had received the call. I was a bit confused of what had happened.

Some time later I got a call from a number similar to my mothers number (Mother’s Number 98418 – ABCDE, The number from which I had received the call was 98411 – 8ABCD) and the called said that she had got lots of missed calls from my number. On analyzing the two number it was very much clear that the call to 98418 – ABCDE has been landed to the mailbox of 98411 – 8ABCD (if you can compare the number u can find that the 5 digits starting from 5th digit to 9th digit of my mothers number is same as the 5 digits from the 6th digit to the 10th digit from which I got a call).

After getting these details I contacted the Customer Care once again and explained the whole the problem and the response from them is very very funny, They just said that they have check the profile and there are no issues in the same and simple asked me to keep my mobile switch off for the next 30 minutes and switch on it later. I was clearly asking the reason behind the problem but they kept on saying switch off and on your mobile. After getting frustrated I disconnected the call. I was using AIRCEL (RPG) for some 6+ years or so and the quality of their services had drowned like anything.

Hope you guys are aware abt the cross talk issues which popped up some time before now, earlier I was reluctant to believe it and now I think that news would have been 100% true.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Twenty20 is now with 20+ year Guys

First and foremost amazing performance from the young INDIAN Cricket team to snatch the T20 World CUP title. I would like to share some of the important things which I noticed during the T20 World Cup Finals between India and Pakistan.

The temperament these young guys has needs to be appreciated for sure, Kudos to Ghambhir for the remarkable innings made by him. It was a real great team effort showed by the INDIA Team. With respect to performance I really doubt that should Harbhajan Singh needs a place in the Team. Poor Bowling from him has troubled INDIA a bit, really disappointed by the way he bowled the slog overs. A couple of full toss deliveries a wide, It was really atrocious to see an experience bowler bowling at that point of time. Anyways thanks a ton to him because without his great performance we would not witnessed a thrilling win instead would have won the match pretty easily.

The attitude of the Pakistan players is becoming worse and worse day by day. Where does Muslims comes in to picture in a Circket match? When Shoaib Malik was called by Ravi to express his views about the match, He clearly stated that he thanks Pakistanis and other Muslims around the world for their support and also expressed his apologies for not winning the match. Pakistan is his country what to do with the muslims around the world. Hope he had forgotten that the Man of the Match Y’day was Mr. Irfan Pathan who is also a muslim.

Then comes our hero Mr. Shahid Afridi, He started of by praising lord Allah, Don’t know why Pakistanis are much interested in expressing their religion and their faith on that in a Cricket (Global Religion) Match. You have lots and lots of media to talk about religion and many more forums are available for the same. Please use them and not any sporting ceremony. The only consoling this is that he wished Indian Cricketers (Hope for the First Time).

[Note: I do not have any intentions of hurting anyone’s religious feelings, Just thought of sharing my views on that]

Monday, September 24, 2007

Why Not Permit Rooms @ Office ;-)

Recently visited a local permit room in our lovely city of Chennai, where we can find all categories of people. Got hooked to lot many discussions going on there and some really impressed me a lot. Just thought of sharing them with you all…

Scene 1:I came across two guys from a different (IT) company it seems, they started their discussions casually and some real great best practices sharing happened between them. Those guys discussed right from Coffee Vending Machines to the C*O strategies (Of Course some fun and comments here and there). They were pointing some good decisions taken by their management guys as well as criticized some flaws they made. Some real new ideas too boosted there in the discussion…

Scene 2: This Scene took place none other than a petty shop next to the permit room, there I saw a daily coolie expressing some management concepts over his hand phone. Looks like there were some conflict between his employees and he is the supervisor in some other site, he is just advising his counterpart saying (in Tamil) “Vela seira idathula naama yellam santhoshama irukkanum, Appo than vela seiyya pudikkum. Ithula poi nee chi naan chi nnu sonna vela seyyave mudiyathu…” meaning “We should feel happy at our work place only then we will feel great to work, In the mean time if we find faults on others they we will not be in a position to work at all”. Just to take this to our corporate world we keep on insisting about FUN at Work, Great Work Environment, Team Building Etc.. but this guy has simply expressed what we are struggling to implement in out work place…

Keeping these things in mind why not all the Corporate Companies have a Permit Room in their premises ;-)… Hey this is on the funny side.. My Question is why people come out with such great ideas in permit room and why not at work… :-)

Friday, September 14, 2007

Where are Government Officials / Policies heading to?????

Everyone in our Singara Chennai would be aware about the Auto Drivers and their attitude in getting a sky high sum of money for using their service… sorry Auto (Coz no one is doing it as a service now). In order to streamline the charges quoted by the auto drivers and for the benefit of the Auto Drivers as well as public out government had revised the meter rates and increased a considerable amount as flat rate. Further Government has issued notice in the media that the revised rates should be implemented within 3 months and also published a couple of telephone numbers (044-26445544 & 044-26444445) in case of any disputes / discrepancies in it.

One fine day when I was returning back to home I saw my friend looking for Autos in from of my house, thought of helping him out and joined him in his Auto. The Auto driver asked Rs 130/- for just 4 to 5 kilometers which would cost less than Rs 50/- from our place. The Bargaining deal started, and in the middle of bargaining I just remembered the above mentioned measure taken by our government and asked in to turn on his meter and will pay according to that. The Auto driver never gave his ears to that and he was demanding Rs 120/-. Luckily I had those numbers stored in my mobile, while speaking to him I just asked the Auto Driver to wait and tried calling the number. Our Super Hero Auto Driver looked like has guts to face any issues. He clearly said if required you can even call Our CM and nothing can be done to him.

Am not sure whether the call will be picked from the other end, to my greater surprised the call was picked and a guy responded from the other end. I just conveyed the issue and gave the Auto Number to him, In the mean time the auto driver got tensed and flew away from the place.

I was asked for the RTO details associated to that Auto which I was not aware about and at last managed to get that as the same was painted at the rear side of the Auto. The Respondent had clearly said me that the problematic Auto belongs to Mambalam RTO and I need to get in touch with them, also he had given the Mambalam RTO number to me. Further he added on and said that there will be no response If I call them and I need to physically go give them a written complaint and later they might take some action against the driver.

Am really surprised if that is going to be the case then why the hell our Government has issued these numbers? And the other thing is If I need to go there physically and lodge a complaint then I need to take up some other Auto with the same kind of problem.

The only satisfying was the Auto Driver had left the place as soon as I started speaking over phone, else I would have been a joker to him.

AADI SALE (5% - 50% Off)

No one in Tamilnadu that too people from Chennai can say that they have never heard about “AADI SALE”. Cutouts and banners were covering the whole city regarding the AADI sale and moreover Televisions bring those ads directly to out living room. I have been hearing about these aadi sales just 6 – 7 years before, earlier to that am not much sure whether there was some custom like this.

Very much curious in knowing about these AADI sales I decided to visit one among the major player on this AADi Sale in Ranganathan Street, To my surprise the a person in the reception area informed me that as AADI Sale offer I can get 3 TRIGGER JEANS at the rate of one (Rs 645/- only). Got really interested keeping in mind that am going to get a TRIGGER JEAN just for Rs 215/- and enquire about that and asked him to take me to the sales counter.

In the sales counter a great salesperson greeted me with a word saying that there are only limited numbers of colors available under offer. Since am not much interested about the color than the brand I asked him to display some. Just out of curiosity in knowing about the AADI sale I just asked the salesperson how come is it possible to sell off the Jeans with such a low price and do add on I just asked him are they genuine products of Trigger. The response from him was really bad which for a while made me to think of slapping him.

He just responded stating that his boss has invested 20 Crores in this business and if he sell tampered products then he cannot withstand, To add upon he asked me very sarcastically whether I had used any TRIGGER Brands earlier as if I am not aware about these brands at all. After all even am a human being with blood cells not willing to loose the deal, I just selected three JEANS and asked him for the TRIAL room. There comes the response from the salesperson which forced me to get out of the shop. He said I can very well have the Trail after Paying the BILLS.

I don’t know what these stupid guys think about the customer, He had clearly informed me that they have only limited colors and he also tried to irritate me as much as he can and at last he says only after paying the bill I can trial the jeans which I had bought. If at all the fit is not proper or I identify some damage in the JEANS I selected, I am forced to get some product from his shop for the amount I had made the purchase as he will not return me my money back.

People think about when you go for AADI Sale next time… Yes Of course there are huge discounts but not much sure discounts on what?????